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Duty of Husband to Maintain Wife and Child After She Quits Job at His Insistence

This blog post discusses a recent Karnataka High Court decision on a husband's obligation to financially support his wife and child. The Court ruled that a husband must continue to provide for his wife and child even if the wife quits her job at his request.

The case involved a wife who left her job after her husband insisted she stay at home to take care of their child. When the couple separated, the husband refused to pay maintenance, arguing that he was already paying for their child's school fees.

The Court disagreed with the husband's argument. The Court pointed out that a husband has a legal obligation to maintain his wife and child, and that paying for school fees is a separate responsibility.

This decision is a significant reminder of a husband's financial obligations towards his wife and child. Even if a wife leaves her job at her husband's insistence, the husband is still responsible for providing financial support.

In addition to the above, here are some additional points to consider:

  • The amount of maintenance that a husband is required to pay will be determined by the court based on various factors, such as the husband's income, the wife's income (if any), and the child's needs.

  • If a wife is able to support herself financially, she may not be entitled to maintenance from her husband.

  • However, a wife may still be entitled to maintenance for her child, even if she is able to support herself.

If you are going through a separation or divorce, it is important to consult with a lawyer to understand your rights and obligations regarding spousal maintenance and child support. Source:

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